If you are looking for a double stroller for newborn twins, toddler twins, or twins and a sibling this is the blog post for you! There are so many double strollers to choose from, so how do you know which one works best for you? It really depends on what you are looking for. And where you are navigating too. I always went for strollers that were easy to store and take in and out of the car when by myself. So convenience was always a plus. We didn’t really have the room to leave the stroller open in the shed or in the house so easy to store was a plus. In this post I will discuss all of these features in each choice of double stroller.

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Best double stroller for newborn twins

Double Snap and go

Pros: This double snap and go stroller is perfect if you’re looking for a stroller that fits two car seats. What’s awesome about this is any car seat can be used with this stroller. It simply just rests on the straps that are on the base of the stroller, then the seat is buckled in with a separate strap. It is also very easy to open and close with a one click motion, making it easy to maneuver with your twins in tow. It is also very convenient to store. Once it is closed it doesn’t take up much space and can easily be placed in any storage area or trunk of a car. There’s also plenty of storage on the bottom of the stroller. When I took this snap and go stroller on vacation with me, I was able to fit everything that we needed as well as the stroller. That’s a big win!

Cons: The stroller does not come with a standing board for an older sibling to have a place not sit or stand. There is also no attachment that you could buy to add for that feature. You can only use this stroller with car seats, so you will have to buy another stroller when they are toddlers.

Baby Trend Sit and Stand Double Stroller

The baby trend sit and stand double stroller may be on the expensive side, but it literally has everything that you need. This can be the one and only stroller that you need to buy.

Pros: This stroller does come with the standing option for your third child. It also fits both car seats for your twins. It also has regular seats for when the twins are older. It is extremely easy to fold up and store, and can fit in almost every trunk. Both seats go back for easy napping. There is also a snack holder. Since the seats are behind each other, the stroller can easily fit through any door. I love that it comes with everything you will need from the car seat when they are infants all the way to when they are toddlers. You will never need another stroller.

Cons: It is a bit expensive, so if you are on a budget you may want to consider getting an infant stroller now and a regular stroller later. You can only use the car seats that it comes with.

Graco Modes Duo Double Stroller

Pros: The Graco Modes Duo Double Stroller is a very versatile stroller and can meet the needs of a family of 2 or more. It has room for 2 Graco click connect infant car seats, and a standing bench or seat for your elder sibling. It has 2 reclining removable seats that allows you to customize the stroller. It has 2 swivel bars with cup holders for easy traveling with the twins. It has plenty of room underneath for all your twins needs.

Cons: Although this stroller has everything, you do have to take the seats off to close it. Even though it is not difficult to do, it may still be hard to do when you have little ones.

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Best side by side double strollers for toddler twins

Side by side strollers are sometimes a preference because it is easier to see both your twins. However some are not desirable because they may be hard to get through doors and maneuver around. Again, it all depends what you are looking for. Here are some double side by side strollers that make strolling with twins as easy as can be.

Britax B-Lively Double Stroller, Dove – Adjustable Handlebar + Easy Fold + Large UV50 Canopy

Pros: This Britax Side by side stroller is great for toddler twins. It has a large canopy to protect them from the sun and its extremely easy to fold up and store. It is light and easy to push and move about. It has 6 pockets of storage – and plenty of space to store large diaper bags and items. What’s great about this stroller is that you can use it up to about 6 years old. Since it feels so light, it won’t be a struggle to push your child.

Cons: You must use the Britax car seat with this stroller and you also have to purchase the adapter for the car seats. Also you only use one car seat, so with twins you wouldn’t be able to use it with the car seats. This might be better to purchase as a second stroller when your twins are toddlers.

Joovy Kooper XL Double Stroller

Pros: The Joovy Kooper XL Double Stroller is an extremely light weight travel stroller. This one is perfect to leave in your car as you can easily fold it up and store it away just the way it is. It has a peek- a- boo flap on top, for easy viewing of your twins. It also comes with a snack and cup holder that is removable. There is plenty of storage on the bottom and their are pockets on the back of the seat to hold water or treats. What I love about this stroller is that you can take it off and wash it, and it’s easy to put back on!

Cons: There is no stand for an older child to stand on. That’s it!

Best double strollers for twins with siblings

If you thought the right double strollers were hard to find, finding one for 3 or more is near impossible. I looked for months, until I found the perfect stroller. It made sense and of course it was easy to close and easy to store.

Zoe Stroller The Trio

Pros: The Zoe Trio stroller is the perfect stroller when you are rocking 3 kids that are 5 and under. It has a light weight double stroller that comes with handle bars to keep your little ones safe. It has a snack cup in the middle for sharing. It also has 3 cup holders that can be attached when the handle bars come off. What I love about this stroller is the third seat. It attaches- to the front of the stroller. This makes it slim enough to fit through doors. Since it comes off you can use if with 2 and add the front row when 3 is needed. There is also pocket storage for snacks and stuff and peek flaps to see the little ones. This is probably my favorite stroller.

Cons: The third seat is in the front and you can’t see them. However, I always put my oldest there and he was able to verbalize any thing he needed to me.

Best umbrella strollers for twins

Umbrella strollers are good to use for traveling, or to keep in the car to have when you go somewhere. They should not be used when your twins are babies, as there is not enough protection to support them.

Evenflo Aero 2 Ultra Lightweight Double Stroller

Pros: This Evenflo Aero 2 Ultra umbrella stroller, is perfect for traveling. It has plenty of storage underneath , and even has pockets for kids snacks. It is easy to fold up and stands straight up. If you are looking for a great, light, durable travel stroller this, umbrella stroller is perfect. It also has complete sunshades to protect your twins from the sun.

Cons: Although it is pretty compact, other umbrella strollers take up less space when closed.

J is for Jeep Brand Scout Double Stroller

Pros: The Brand scout stroller fits 2 children comfortably. It has harness for storage behind each seat and it fits perfectly in doorways. It is extremely light and easy to maneuver. This stroller has extended canopies to block the sun, and is easy to fold up and store.

Cons: Although there is some storage, there is no storage underneath to place large items such as diapers bags.

Best double jogging strollers

If you like to keep up with walks and running, or you like to be out and about, then getting a sturdy jogging stroller is for you. Just because you now have 2 babies, does not mean that you can’t still enjoy them. Here are some double jogging strollers that will help you maintain these activities.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

Pros: The Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller is a great stroller if you like to take your twins for a run, or long strolls. What’s great about this stroller is that it runs smooth over every surface, your twins will barely feel a bump. There are many attachments you can buy for this stroller, including a cup holder a snack tray, rain cover and, mesh cover and a stroller organizer. The handle bar is adjustable with a twist brake to help for easy speed adjustment. It has an easy one handed close, and easy to store. There is a large storage basket on the bottom with a zip cover to keep everything in tact.

Cons: It is kind of on the pricey side so depending on your budget, this might not be the jogger for you.

BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double Jogging Stroller

Pros: This BOB Gear jogging stroller has an adjustable handlebar to meet the height of the one pushing the stroller. It has 10 storage pockets and a large cargo basket under the stroller. It holds up to 50 pounds on each side, without feeling like a struggle to push. With the purchase of an adapter, you can use it with most car seats.

Cons: You have to buy the adapter for the car seat separately. It also doesn’t fit with every car seat, so make sure your’s fit if you want to use it. This stroller is very expensive, but way worth it if you run/walk everyday and plan to continue to do so with your twins.


Buying a great double stroller that meets your needs is not as easy as it sounds. Many struggle with their double stroller not fitting through doors or they are hard to navigate. There are many strollers out there that will fit your needs. Looking into what other moms have used and why it worked for them is a great start to finding the perfect double stroller for you and your twins.