Being a mom is hard. Being a mom of twins is twice as hard, and extremely overwhelming and can feel difficult, if not impossible. Sometimes we just need something that will pull us out of that mom funk. Believe it or not, when life gets too hard, saying or writing affirmations can change your mindset and change your outlook on the whole day and being a parent of twins.

According to The Y, affirmations have the power to motivate you and to act in a more positive way. If done correctly, affirmations help you to create the power to change your negative thinking and replace them with positive thinking.

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What are affirmations?

An affirmation is a short, powerful statement. By saying and thinking affirmations you are controlling your thoughts, changing them from an undesirable thought to a desirable one. You are stating an outcome of something you want now or in the future. These statements are usually said as I am…

As a mom, saying affirmations can really help you to focus on what’s important. When you are feeling stressed and you just can’t take it anymore, say some of these affirmations out loud. If you make this a habit everyday, you will start to notice a positive change in the way you are feeling and what you are thinking about being a mom.

How do we use affirmations?

Saying or writing self-affirmations have shown to have powerful effects and can reduce anxiety, stress, and feelings of self worth. Getting yourself an affirmation journal has also been very useful in making daily affirmations consistent.

When journaling your affirmations remember to say and write them in the present tense, as if they are already happening.

You will soon see a difference in how you handle the stress of everyday mom life.

Powerful affirmations for twin moms

  1. Only I can give my children a happy mother.
  2. I am a blessing to my children.
  3. I have great maternal instinct.
  4. I am learning to be a better mother every day.
  5. I am doing my best as a mom and that is enough.
  6. I am important in the live of my children.
  7. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire my family to be happy as well.
  8. Mistakes and setbacks are parts of motherhood. I can learn and grow from them.
  9. I am exactly what my children need.
  10. I am the most important influence on my child’s life.
  11. I deserve time for myself to relax and reset.
  12. I will make time to play and laugh with my children today.
  13. I can do anything- I’m a mom!
  14. I will not worry about small things today.
  15. There are a million ways to be a good parent.
  16. I will turn away from judgements today.
  17. My children love me for me and do not care about my flaws.
  18. I have enough patience for my children today.
  19. I am creating positive lifelong memories with my children.
  20. I know best what my children need.

21. My home is full of joy and love. I am brave enough to show my children vulnerability.

22. I choose to be happy.

23. I was chosen to be a mom of twins, and I am the best mom for them.

24. Today I will pay attention to all the good my children bring to my life.

25. I don’t have to be a perfect mom.

26. My home is full of joy and love.

27. I embrace the present moment.

28. Everything is going to be okay.

29. Today I am going to tackle everything bravely and with confidence.

30. I lover my children unconditionally.

31. I love my life. My life is beautiful.

32. I am grateful I get to spend time with my children everyday.

33. It’s going to be okay.

34. I will not compare myself to other moms.

35. I have a strong and special bond with my children.

36. I have people around me ready to help when needed.

37. I am not afraid to ask for help.

38. I am calm when surrounded by chaos.

39. I am a lot more than just a mom.

40. Today I feel brave. Being a mom takes courage.

Reading books about affirmations, or how to use affirmations are great ways to encourage self- care. There are many books for moms and moms of twins about affirmations and mindset strategies.

Giving yourself 5 minutes a day to read or write affirmations is a great place to start, and easy way to start your day with a positive mindset.

Read more about ways to cope with mom stress.

41. The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver

42. Today I will make mundane tasks fun.

43.I will have fun with my children today.

44. Today I will pay attention to the positive aspects of parenthood.

45. I will embrace the present moment.

46. I control my life, not my life controlling me.

47. I am grateful for my children.

48. I have all I need to be happy.

49. Struggles are temporary.

50. I got this!


Saying and writing affirmations is a quick reset for moms that are feeling overwhelmed. Affirmations can turn a moms mindset around from negative to positive. It helps your brain think of the positive instead of the hopelessness and frustration that easily comes with being a parent of twins. Getting a journal or saying these out loud for a few minutes every day is all that you need to begin to change your mindset. You got this moms!